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Verizon hat Hintertür bei Ende-zu-Ende-Verschlüsselung

Frank Stohl
Frank Stohl
Verizon hat Hintertür bei...

Tja, das Allheilmittel für abhörsichere Kommunikation im Internet ist Ende-Zu-Ende-Verschlüsselung, aber es ist nicht per se sicher: Verizon’s New, Encrypted Calling App Plays Nice With the NSA. Denn mit Hintertür bringt das nichts.

Verizon Voice Cypher, the product introduced on Thursday with the encryption company Cellcrypt, offers business and government customers end-to-end encryption for voice calls on iOS, Android, or BlackBerry devices equipped with a special app. The encryption software provides secure communications for people speaking on devices with the app, regardless of their wireless carrier, and it can also connect to an organization’s secure phone system.

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